Thursday, 26 June 2008

Against the Grain's choc chip & hazelnut cookies

I found some excellent chocolate chip and hazelnut cookies when on the Bridges the other day. They are made by Against the Grain, and stocked at Mcleish's. They are a bit pricey at £2.89, but oh so good.

Wait until you read the list of things they are free from: wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs, aritifical preservatives/ flavourings/ colourings and added salt. My only ongoing disappointment with most packaged foods is that they do include palm oil. Oh well, you can't win 'em all, kid.

They are delicious, refined and most suitable for an adult palate. It's not that children won't like them, but for the price, they are a treat. They are delicately-flavoured, mildly crunchy biscuits that would be complimented by either tea or coffee. They may just be subtle enough to not drown out a herbal tea, but I have ye to try this combo.

I say these are biscuits rather than cookies. For me, a biscuit has more crunch (rather than moist squidgieness) and is more subtle (less sweet and vanilla-toned). It doesn't matter either way, except if you are expecting one and get the other. These are very tastelicious.

Against the grain make three other types of biscuits which I have yet to try: Almond Cookies, Ginger Crunches and Berry Delicious. I look forward to reviewing these too, all in the name of keeping blog readers informed, of course.

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